Apr 26Liked by Toby Litt

What a wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing it.

Last time we moved house I absolutely insisted that we have an extra bedroom as well as a guest room and my husband’s office so that I could have a room of my own to write in. Having brought up 4 children I felt like it was time for me to have something just for me. Unsurprisingly I have not written one word in that room, which is still full of unpacked boxes. I still write sitting cross legged on the bed with my laptop propped up in front of me.

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Apr 26Liked by Toby Litt

Toby, I love this and so enjoy all your adjacencies :) thank you

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I absolutely love this. And I loved Sue Townsend. How lucky you were to have met her, and spent time with her.

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My wife cleared out the box room and claimed it. She paints, so I ain't too fussed, she deserves it. I can write anywhere, me. But I write on the couch listening to atmospheric music (no English lyrics), or in silence.

My living room is painted a strange, deep blue. Infinite. I go into the blue, forever. It has an otherworld atmosphere (although, that could be because I'm in a permanent altered state), and it has a beautiful gloomy aspect. I call it the Blue-Gloom-Dream-Room. I get most of me writing done there. Perfect.

I sometimes wonder if it'd be nice to have a little room to write in, but I can't afford to live here, let alone a bigger yard. But if I did have a little writing room, it'd have to be like me Blue-Gloom-Dream-Room, I reckon. Ideally. But really, I can knock me Mystic symbols out anywhere.

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this is lovely Toby - spot on re beloved diarists, how they're like the characters we care about, Oliver, Little Dorrit & Pip 2006. How lucky to meet her and capture some of her spirit. I only know the books etc and the SBS with Sue Townsend which was made while I was working in that department. What I remember was being astounded as her husband carried her up stairs and things, and somehow with these thick glasses as you describe, she'd got special computer systems in place to still be able to write, despite being near blind. Incredible person.

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