it's silly, but I'll say it anyway. Just because all the characters in a novel only sit, stand, crawl, sprawl, walk, slide and jog doesn't mean to say it's literary and not genre fiction. Obviously.

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Well, you're saying these characters jog, rather than sprint. That already tells us something, doesn't it? Their maximum speed is 4-6 miles an hour. I'd say that rules out most of the genre fiction I've written about today. If the characters are always that slow, they're not in a those kinds of book. However, 'it's silly, but I'll say it anyway' could be the motto of the whole post. So this is definitely in spirit.

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I wonder what speed the Red Queen and Alice eventually attained in their 'Through the Looking-Glass' race? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Queen%27s_race?wprov=sfla1

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Velocity is an interesting test. My main characters only run when feeling fear or anger. Otherwise they walk or swim (mostly in a southerly direction). But they do travel in an Ekranoplan for almost an hour, so it's a relief to know they haven't escaped the speculative genre.

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