The thought of hopping back and forth between two mindsets sounds very difficult. I would think that, even if you do the creative component first, the spectre of the critical component is looming.

I would feel like I was being watched over my shoulder by an academic critic as I wrote. On the one hand, it might be like being inside your own creative writing version of a cookery video (I sometimes get this Big Voice commentating as I cook. "And the sugar needs to be sifted. No shortcuts here. I'm just gently tapping the sieve against my hand. Ooh, it looks like snow!" But obviously it would be the academic version. "And now, as I write a whole chapter in one sentence, I am reflecting on James Joyce..."). On the other hand, that bristling presence might make be sieze up completely. Th Critic isn't looking very happy about my slapdash metaphors. "I'll fix them in the second draft, Critic! Don't be so mean!"

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I enjoy writing fiction, but I hate the thought of doing a PhD in Creative Writing.

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deletedJul 5
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We all like different things, I suppose. I was never academic. I'm uneducated. So I educated meself. But, although a part of me likes the idea of studying creative writing, the most of me feels like it might be beyond my ability and too stressful for me. I feel like I'd struggle with it. I considered doing an MFA recently. Was told that I'd get in on the strength of me published books, despite no qualifications. But I had second thoughts on it. In the end, I didn't like the look of the two available courses in London. But I think behind all that, I ain't got the confidence to write academically, or to be able to conform in a group enough.

I study ancient religions, cultures, esoteric knowledge, philosophy, etc. but I do it in me own time. I don't think I could do it as a degree or PhD. I don't like deadlines or parameters, I hate political ideology in any direction, and I ain't good at conforming, so I leave academic education alone.

Have you finished your PhD now? What was it that you enjoyed about it?

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I learned some valuable things from this one Toby. Thank you for being so candid. Getting through a B.A. left me sprawling on the very edge of my sanity but mainly because of all the financial problems and personal life stress. Today's episode of A Writer's Diary gives me more information about higher level courses than I've seen anywhere else.

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