Apr 10Liked by Toby Litt

I’d be interested in your thoughts on ‘How to Read as a Writer’ to help get the most from my reading, in the hope that I can apply it to my own writing. Perhaps focussing on the first page, or the first 500 words, since so much of a story grows from there.

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Apr 10Liked by Toby Litt

Appreciate this space - glad you're keeping it up!

- Flash Fiction Writing Prompts could be fun!

- Editing Examples. You could take an unedited paragraph, then show the decisions you make/your rationale in editing the selection.

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Don't stop doing what you do!

Plus two specific suggestions:

- A short sub-series on tense, similar to the PoV one, would be welcome.

- Advice on condensing paragraphs or sentences down to their essence, without resorting to more complex vocabulary or clauses. i.e. achieving the 'less is more' directive.

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Apr 10Liked by Toby Litt

I have enjoyed all 3 years. I am happy to read anything by you! 😊

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I would really like some guidance or help to understand the different purposes (and motivation) for writing flash fiction or prose poetry. Is a poet more likely to write prose poetry and a novelist more likely to try flash fiction? How do these forms differ for the writer?

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